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implementation workflow

living through the changes of the land  >  an expanse external  >  an horizon
where the landscape and the horizon are internalised into the culture and economy of the regional city, we should aim to delineate external expanses. treating the land and retreating, perceiving a landscape un-used, desurfaced, desettled, disclosed, without hold.
in a plan for the mediterranean coastal cliffs - lidar monitoring is applied for sustaining natural geological erosion processes. in the age of anthropocene,  it reveals the geological transformations of the land, experiencing geological-time through one's life-time. it brings back the value-unto-itself of the place.

The erosion of the coastal kurkar (aeolionite, calfcified limestone) cliffs is one of the few geological processes which can be perceived in one's lifetime. 

The project is a masterplan for some of the major cliffs located along the Israeli Mediterranean coastline. Each section requires a different variation on a balancing act of preserving the cliff on the one hand, protecting the developements on top of the cliff on the other, and functional and ecological considerations affecting the beach and the sea.

The original project called for massive artificial defense structures to stop the erosion, mostly in order to protect private land above.  Our analysis, based on recent geological surveys, suggests that the process can be managed and preserved dynamically, together with environmental economic modelling of compensations for loss of private land.  The masterplan in fact defines monitoring actions and dynamic modelling, preceding and often replacing physical interventions.

Biannual ground-mounted LIDAR monitoring (at 20cm resolution) directs local, small-scale interventions where there is immediate danger to visitors on the coast.


Rather than a finite design, obstructing natural landscapes, we propose an 'infinite' workflow, where advanced technology is used to protect mythic, geological time.


An external geological expanse, in the age of anthropocene.

examples :

Hankin house - typical masterplan workflow, rather than presecribed solutions.
The cliff is one of the most beautiful in the area. It appears in every publication of the city. Rather than covering it with concrete, to protect the historical building above, we defined in the masterplan a repeated ground LIDAR monitoring, which will guide local necessary solutions (about 1 meter in size), such as filling or removal. The cliff appearance, geology and dynamics will be preserved.

Beit Yanai is one of the most expensive real-estate in Israel. Meanwhile the coast below is one of the last natural beaches in Israel, and is visited by 2 million people a year.  26 private houses on top of the cliff raised privately financed protections. These rocks not only ruin the cliff, but reduce the width of the public coast (due to return-wave-energy). 

Viewing the Changes of the Land :  Masterplan for Aeolionite Coastal Cliffs

Hadera, Emek Hefer, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Bat Yam _ 2016-2018  _  Client: The National Company for the Protection of the Coastal Cliffs

coastal cliffs

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